My Life Today

My life now is mostly a quiet one with most of the family growing, working and having other responsibilities. As I don't drive anymore I spend most of my time in my apartment writing poetry, drawing computer pixel graphics, watching TV or on my laptop. Along with my little graphics I enjoy writing and displaying my poems. Every so often my online friends will visit and sometimes comment on the poems. I do enjoy reading what they think of them. I guess that's a little of my vanity wanting to know what others think of my poetry.

When not having many things to write about on my blog I opt for posting photos, paintings, trivia or things that I think others will enjoy. There will be times when I'll feel I have nothing to post and so I limit myself to not posting every day and rarely on weekends. I feel if I can't keep my body active I'll at least keep my mind active. I'm an active reader and have been all my life. My favorite as most who know me is Agatha Christie's Hercule Poirot and Miss Marple. I do like old fashioned mysteries that need not add harsh language or explicit sex, the kind like Mary Higgins Clark. I enjoy my quiet life very much and have always been sort of a loner most of it, just ask my family! Even though I've never had a bosom buddy, I am happy when I'm with others and happy when I'm in my own company.

I also enjoy shopping online for anything I need and very, very rarely go to brick and mortar stores. I'm not much for crowds or walking down endless aisles looking at many things I can't afford or need. I've grown to hate food shopping and usually do my food shopping online through Shoprite Supermarkets and have it delivered. My legs are not what they used to be where I would walk miles every day. Just thinking about walking a shopping cart through the supermarket tires me out.

I have all the technology I need i.e.; cellphone, TV, laptop, tablet and even my Shark ION Robot® vacuum  (which I absolutely love)  And blogging, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram etc. keeps me in touch with the wonderful friends I've made online. Living close to my sisters, son & daughter-in-law plus nieces and nephews help keep me moving once or twice a week. My daughter calls me very often and my grandson and granddaughter call at least once a week. So even though I'm not active in getting out and about most of the time, I do have a full and happy life.

Well there you go, that's the most I've ever written about me and it will probably be the last time I will too.??.

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